发布时间:2024-12-30 05:03:01
本文摘要:Appleis making radical changes to its Apple TV and iPad, two product lines that have underperformed its iPhone in recent years, as it also made its annual update to its flagship smartphones.苹果(Apple)在对其旗舰智能手机产品展开年度升级之际,也对Apple TV和iPad产品做出了根本性设计改动,近年后两款产品的展现出不如iPhone。

Appleis making radical changes to its Apple TV and iPad, two product lines that have underperformed its iPhone in recent years, as it also made its annual update to its flagship smartphones.苹果(Apple)在对其旗舰智能手机产品展开年度升级之际,也对Apple TV和iPad产品做出了根本性设计改动,近年后两款产品的展现出不如iPhone。A supersized, 12.9-inch iPad including a keyboard case and a $99 stylus and a new Apple TV set-top box featuring a motion-sensitive controller, Siri voice control and App Store accompanied the iPhone 6S launch.预示着iPhone 6S的发售,苹果发售了一款12.9英寸屏幕的超大尺寸iPad,以及一款新的Apple TV电视机顶盒。

新款iPad还包括了一个键盘外壳,以及一款99美元的触碰笔,而Apple TV配有了运动感官控制器、Siri声控功能以及App Store。Billed as the “next generation of multitouch”, a new “3D Touch” interface detects the degree of pressure applied to the iPhone’s screen to create new shortcuts, such as “peeking” into emails and jumping straight to a selfie camera.堪称“下一代多触碰技术”的新型“3D触碰”(3D Touch)界面不会检测产生在iPhone屏幕上的压力大小,据此创立新的快捷方式——比如“瞅一眼”电子邮件和必要函数调用至自拍电影照相机。While the iPhone’s external casing did not see any changes, internal updates include a new camera, faster fingerprint reader and accelerated A9 processor.尽管该款iPhone外形没什么多大变化,但其内部升级还包括一款新的摄像头、更慢的指纹识别器以及速度更慢的A9处理器。Apple chief executive Tim Cook sought to dispense doubts that there is more momentum left in iPhone after a rapid 35 per cent growth rate in the number sold over the past year.苹果首席执行官蒂姆錠克(Tim Cook)企图萌生人们的猜测:在过去一年销量快速增长35%之后,iPhone否还能维持增长势头。

“How do you follow a success like this? I’ve got that question a few times,” Mr Cook said. “No product is more about innovation than the iPhone.”“你如何沿袭这样的顺利?我有好几次都被问及这个问题。”库克回应。

“没一款产品与创意的关系比iPhone更加紧密。”Sales of the iPhone in China rose by 75 per cent in the past year, he said, as concern mounts among investors about its prospects in its most vital growth market.库克回应,过去一年里iPhone在华销量快速增长了75%。

目前,投资者日益忧虑苹果在其最重要的成长型市场的前景。Geoff Blaber, analyst at CCS Insight, said that despite only offering “incremental improvements” Apple had “proven many times over that iteration wins when underpinned by the Apple brand and ecosystem”.CCS Insight分析师杰夫布拉波(Geoff Blaber)回应,尽管只获取了“渐进式的改良”,但苹果已“多次证明,在苹果品牌和生态系统的承托下,这种产品升级循环是顺利的”。While less significant than the iPhone to its financial performance, Apple’s biggest moves into new product territory were reserved for the iPad — which has seen sales decline in the past two years — and the Apple TV.苹果对新产品领域发动的仅次于冲锋,则留下了iPad和Apple TV——尽管两者的财务展现出没iPhone那么引人注目。过去两年,iPad的销量经常出现了下降。

Priced at $150, the new TV operating system, tvOS, is based on iOS and will see apps as varied as Netflixand HBOon-demand TV, Star Wars and Guitar Hero games and even ecommerce from the likes of Airbnband Gilt.新的Apple TV电视机顶盒定价150美元,其所用的新电视操作系统tvOS基于iOS。在这一操作系统上,人们将看见多样性远不如Netflix和HBO串流电视的各种应用于、还包括《星球大战》(Star Wars)和《吉他英雄》(Guitar Hero)在内的各种游戏、甚至还有来自空中食宿(Airbnb)和Gilt这类网站的电子商务服务。Apple has also revamped its vision of how tablet computers should fit into working life, edging close to ideas pioneered by arch-rival Microsoftas it struggles to revive flagging sales of its once groundbreaking iPad.对于一度革命性的iPad,在苹果无法提振其大大萎靡的销量之际,该公司已转变了对平板电脑不应如何适应环境职场生活的观点,相似了由其死对头微软公司(Microsoft)首创的思路。

Company executives showed off a new iPad Pro with a larger screen at an event at the Billy Graham Civic Auditorium on Wednesday, including a stylus to write on the screen and detachable keyboard — accessories that the company once ridiculed when it first introduced the iPad as a simple, stripped-down touchscreen device.周三,在比尔格雷厄姆市政礼堂(Bill Graham Civic Auditorium)里,苹果高管们夸耀享有更大屏幕的新款iPad Pro,还包括触控笔和消声器键盘——最初以简洁纯粹的触屏设备为卖点发售iPad时,该公司一度对这类配件不屑一顾。Steve Jobs, whose purist vision was instrumental in the original iPad, launched in 2010, once said of other companies’ devices: “If you see a stylus, they blew it.”史蒂夫吠布斯(Steve Jobs)的纯粹美学曾对2010年问世的初代iPad起着最重要起到。他在谈到其他公司的设备时曾说道:“如果你看见一支触控笔,那就解释他们搞砸了。

”The iPad Pro, which is due to go on sale in November, has a 12.9 inch screen compared to the previous 11 inches, making it easier for workers to multitask by running two “windows” next to each other — something Microsoft had already done.预计11月下架销售的iPad Pro享有比之前的11寸屏幕更大的12.9英寸屏幕,需要三大运营两个“窗口”,便于职业人士展开多任务处理——微软公司(Microsoft)早已获取这一功能。

