Human beings waste an awful lot of time. Consider my process for writing this article: Begin writing, check email, make coffee, write some more, drink coffee, peruse Facebook, take a meaningless personality quiz (only to confirm what I already knew), tell myself I shouldn’t procrastinate, write more, check email again, respond to a non-pressing message, and finally, get up to make more coffee. Believe it or not, at some point I actually finished writing the thing.人类把很多时间都浪费在了无谓的事情上。拿我写出这篇文章的过程为事例:我趁此机会写几个句子,然后收收电子邮件,泡杯咖啡,再写两句,喝口咖啡,然后上上Facebook,再行做到一个毫无意义的个性测试(只是为了证实一些我早已告诉的事实),然后我告诉他自己无法再行推迟了,然后再行一鼓作气写两段,然后再行收收邮件,返一两条无关紧要的消息,最后抱住再行冷水一杯咖啡。不管你信不信,我最后竟然还是写完了这篇文章。I have plenty of guilt about my shameful time management skills, but I’m afraid that I may have also contributed to what Dan Ariely, the DukeUniversity professor and renowned behavioral economist, describes as his “marginal depression” about humans’ wasted potential.我对自己差劲的时间管理能力深感十分后悔。
杜克大学(Duke University)教授、著名不道德经济学家丹o艾瑞里曾多次把人类浪费时间的偏向称作“边缘抑郁症”,难道我就是患者之一。“You think about the amount of human creativity and human ability to do good and the amount of progress we can make and you see what people end up doing,” Ariely told me in an interview last week. “They’re just kind of squandering their time in all sorts of terrible ways and not fulfilling their own happiness, not doing anything useful. The human stupidity really weighs on me. It’s like a depression—a marginal depression.”艾瑞里在上周的一次专访中对我说道:“我们不妨思维一下,人类有多少创新,有多少腊正经事的能力,有多少变革的空间,再行想到人们最后都在做到什么。
它就像某种抑郁症——边缘抑郁症。”Ariely, whose first book Predictably Irrational highlighted how painfully incompetent we are at making optimal financial decisions (and poked holes in the theory of supply and demand), has been researching human fallibility for years. (No wonder the guy is a little despondent.) But there is reason for a small, newfound source of hope. Along with Stanford University computer science professor Yoav Shoham and Jacob Bank, a Stanford doctoral candidate, Ariely has co-founded a company that aims to help people make better use of their most precious resource—time.艾瑞里研究人类不靠谱的不道德早已很多年了(不该这哥们儿有点沮丧)。他的第一本书《黑色幽默行为学》(Predictably Irrational)说明了了我们在做到最佳财务决策方面是多么的懦弱(并且该书还寻找了供需理论的漏洞)。
他的研究给医治“拖延症”带给了一丝小小的期望。他与斯坦福大学(Stanford University)计算机科学教授约阿夫o肖汉姆和斯坦福大学博士研究生雅各布o班克一道,创立了一家公司,目的让人们更佳地利用他们最宝贵的资源——时间。
The trio’s first product is an application called Timeful, a name that their Mountain View, Calif-based company shares. At first glance, the iOS app seems like a slightly souped-up calendar tool: it automatically synchronizes with existing calendars and has a familiar interface. But the app also instructs users to pick from a list of health- and happiness-minded tasks—running, flossing, calling Mom or Dad—in addition to the usual personal or work-related to-do list. It then incorporates all of that data, which can include sleep patterns and designated productive times of the day, to suggest time slots for everything. “Figuring out what to do with your time is a really complex computational problem,” Ariely says.这家公司的总部坐落于加州的山景城,它的第一款产品是一个名为Timeful的应用于,可以在iOS平台上iTunes。第一眼见过去,Timeful类似于一个加强版的日历应用于:它可以自动与你的现有日历实时,而且界面也和普通日历应用于差不多。
”Much to my relief, Ariely posits that we are pretty much all unable to take all factors into account when deciding what to do, and when. Faced with myriad big tasks and smaller to-do list items, plus the difficulty of estimating how long it will take us to complete something and which time of day we’re best able to focus, we often turn to the easiest task at hand: re-reading unanswered emails or updating one’s Facebook status.让我深感恳求的是,艾瑞里认为,人们在要求何时做到什么事时,很少不会把所有因素都考虑到进来。人们一想起前头还有千头万绪的大事小情等着自己,往往就开始头痛。再行再加我们常常搞不清干完某件事必须多长时间,也不告诉自己在一天的几点到几点干事最专心,因此我们往往不会再行做到手头上最简单的任务——再行看一遍还没有恢复的电子邮件,或是改版一下Facebook。Translation: We procrastinate. A lot.换句话说:我们都是相当严重的拖延症患者。
Making matters worse is the fact that most of today’s digital calendars aren’t well-equipped to remind us of the kinds of things we typically do outside of work but could possibly do during work—like calling Mom and Dad, running, or even flossing. In other words, today’s calendar apps seem to lack the smarts or focus in providing a more holistic view of our day, incorporating both what we need to do (like writing an article) and what we should aspire to do (like go for a lunchtime run).有些事情我们一般来说放到工作以外的时间做到,但忽略了它们也有在工作时间做到的有可能,比如给父母打电话、跑步甚至是洗手牙齿。但是如今的大多数电子日历,并没先进设备到需要见缝插针地替我们把这些事决定到工作时间里。
换句话说,现有的电子日历应用于仍然过于智能,无法通盘考虑如何利用一整天的时间,无法把我们必须做到的事情(比如写出材料)和我们应当想做到的事情(比如利用午休时间跑步)融合一起。“The calendar is great to represent meetings,” Ariely says. “But we want to achieve many more things in life than meetings.” And yet, when we see an open slot in our calendar, he says, we think we can fill it with yet another meeting.艾瑞利也认为:“日历应用于在警告会议决定上展现出得很好,但是除了会议之外,我们在生活中想已完成的事情还有很多。
”可现在我们一看见日历上有空闲的时间,首先想起的就是再行决定一个会议。Teaching someone how to make better use of their time doesn’t seem to work—so if an app automatically finds time for you to do the things you need to, want to, and should do, you are more likely to actually get them done. Therein lies the behavioral science at work in Timeful, with a few technological twists to help facilitate it.教教别人如何更佳地利用他们的时间是不管用的。如果一款应用于可以自动为你决定时间,告诉他你何时去做到你必须做到的事、想做到的事和应当做到的事,那么你确实已完成这些事的可能性就不会更高,这就是Timeful背后的行为科学原理。
当然,要确实构建这些功能,也必不可少技术上的一些“绝活”。“The system needs to capture all of the things that are vying for your time,” says Bank, who serves as the company’s chief executive. “And it needs to help you make time for them.” According to the company, Timeful’s scheduling suggestions are based on a so-called Intention Rank, an algorithm that uses machine learning to rank activities within time slots. Underneath it is a data model—Timeful calls it its “Intention Genome”—that breaks down intentions to basic components and classifies them.该公司的首席执行官班克回应:“首先,系统必须捕猎所有闲置我们时间的事情,然后它要老大你决定做到这些事的时间。”据该公司回应,Timeful的日程安排主要是根据一种叫作“意向名列”的算法计算出来的,这种算法用于了机器学习技术来在时间机窗内决定活动。
“意向名列”的基础是所谓的“意向基因”,它不会把我们的意向分解成基本的元素并展开分类。“With many [other] productivity tools, you work for the system rather than the system working for you,” says Shoham, who has co-founded (and sold) two previous startups. He adds that the Timeful calendar is just the first app for the company, which raised nearly $7 million in Series A funding earlier this year. Down the road, Timeful could integrate data from wearables and other information in order to make more informed suggestions to users.公司的另一名创始人肖汉姆回应:“Timeful还包括了很多其它的效率工具,可以说道是你为系统工作,而不是系统为你工作。
未来Timeful还可以统合可穿着设备和其它渠道的数据,以便为用户获取更加合理的建议。Like any new productivity tool, there is a bit of a time-consuming learning curve with Timeful. The app doesn’t take long to set up, but it does take a while for the user to get used to having an interface that incorporates both a traditional calendar and a suggested list of tasks, some of which don’t have a clear beginning and end (such as laundry). The more information and preferences you feed the app—which, incidentally, takes more time—the better it will theoretically make suggestions tailored to you.像其它效率工具一样,Timeful也有一条学习曲线,必须一定的时间才能得心应手地用于。这款应用于加装一起并不困难,但是它既有传统电子日历的界面,又有一个系统建议的任务表格,有些任务并没具体的开始和完结时间(比如洗衣服),用户要想要适应环境这款应用于还是要花上些时间的。
你为这款应用于获取的信息和参数就越多(这些必须花上时间),理论上谈它为你建议的任务表格就更加合适你的实际情况。Here’s another downer: Timeful arrives in a category bursting with calendar and productivity apps. And really, who has time to evaluate them based on algorithmic superiority? We’re all too busy tackling much more important tasks—like which pizza topping most closely matches our personality.艾瑞里短期内有可能还无法从他的“边缘抑郁症”完全恢复,他回应:“一个人要想要学会管理好自己的时间,本身就必须很长时间。”说道这话时,声音中还带着一丝惨败感觉。
(虽然凭借这款应用于,艾瑞里有可能顺利地协助人们解决问题了时间管理问题,但人性中的其他弱点依然让他整夜忧思难眠。他讨厌认为,人类有44%的丧生是由差劲的决策必要或间接造成的。)Inexplicably, I got mushrooms—about the only food that I hate with a passion. I’m sure there’s good reason for it, but I’ve got another pot of coffee brewing, and I’m pretty sure I just saw another email come in.另外还有一点也较为令人失望:Timeful所在的领域早就弥漫了大量的日历和效率应用于。